Different Ways of Protection
Trust = find protection or go to for Take Refuge in Heb
In HIM - Always there.
Trust activates YOUR awareness of HIM
HE is your shield.
Plug your trust into the right place
What does the protection shield that comes from Him look like?
Personal - MY refuge
Purple Bible Story Book
Two General Types of Protection
Protection / Shield FROM Danger
Protection IN Danger
Protection From Danger / Escape
Natural facts
Supernatural exposing of danger
Divine Favour
Sauls 2 children provide info. Songs were of the Lord’s protection
David Escapes with Michal’s Help
1 Sam 19:11-14
David Escapes with Jonathan’s Help
1 Sam 20
Paul Escapes
Acts 9:25
Wise Men are Warned in a Dream
Matthew 2:12 - Direction
Joseph, Mary and Baby Jesus Escape with Angel’s Assistance
Matthew 2:13-15; 19-22
Angel gives direction in a dream - Direction
Esther Escapes Death and Saves Her People by Divine Favour
Esther 5 Shield of Favour
Joseph Escapes Death and Worse Options by Divine Favour
Genesis 37-45
Protected / Shield IN Danger
Divine Presence
Promises of God
Supernatural Intervention
Divine Assistance
Elisha and His Servant Are Protected By An Angel Army
2 Kings 6:8-17
Angel Army
Daniel is Protected from Lions By An Angel
Daniel 4
Peter Is Rescued From Prison and Execution by an Angel Protected
Acts 12 - Direction
Paul Is Protected During a Storm and Shipwreck By a Message From an Angel
Acts 27: 13-44 Direction
Three Hebrew Children Were Protected From Fire By The Presence of God
Daniel 3
They wouldn't bend
They held onto the will of God so we are told
They wouldn't bow
They would not bow their knees to the idol made of gold
They wouldn't burn
They were protected by the fourth man in the fire
They wouldn't bend, they wouldn't bow
They wouldn't burn.
Now the prophet Daniel tells about three men who walked with God
Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego before the wicked king they stood
And the King commanded them bound and thrown
In the fiery furnace that day.
But the fire was so hot that the men were slain
That forced them on their way.
Now when the three were cast in and the King rose up to witness this awful fate
He began to tremble at what he saw, and in astonished tones he spake.
Did we not cast three men bound into the midst a' that fire?
For lo, I see four men unhurt, unbound and walkin' down there
There's Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego in the firey coals they trod
And the form of the fourth man that I see is like the Son of God
Paul Doesn’t Die From a Venous Viper Bite Because of Promise
Acts 28:3-6
Paul and Silas Are Freed From Prison By An Earthquake
Acts 16:26
Supernatural Intervention
Divine Assistance and Direction
Judges 13-16
Direction came thru angels, by the inner witness
Direction is unique for each one
Your direction is not everyone’s
Drink a little wine - Demon liqure
Doctors and medicine are of the devil
Old Testament example
Bro Hagin’s vision
Luke was a physician