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Citizenship that Honours God

We became citizens of Australia either through being born here or by immigrating from somewhere else in the world.  


When we made Jesus our Lord, we were born again into a heavenly kingdom and actually hold eternal citizenship in heaven as well.


So, as born-again believers we have a unique position of “dual citizenship”.


This verse reflects the right interaction in a natural nation as well as God’s Kingdom that we are to have. 


Matthew 22:21

Then saith he (Jesus) said to them "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's and unto God the things that are God's"


Here are some practical things that we can do to honour and represent Jesus in both of the citizenships that we have. 


What Any Aussie Citizen Can Do

1. Uphold the law in your regular life.

1 Peter 4:15, Romans 13:1, 1 Peter 2:12-17; Titus 3:1;

2. Pay your bills and taxes. Matthew 22:21

3. Be a good neighbour Matthew 22:39

4. Find out which candidate’s policies reflect unselfishness, love and life, not just your bank account. Romans 13:1; Matthew 6:33

5. Support that candidate by volunteering 1-20 hrs.

6. Resist evil or injustice as a citizen of Australia. Take up the opportunity to lift your voice as an Aussie through letters and petitions to politicians and editors and peaceful rallies to convey a clear message. This is NOT an evangelism endeavour, however, if you get an opportunity to share your faith….DO!! Proverbs 31:8,9

“And if the bugler doesn’t sound a clear call, how will the soldiers know they are being called to battle?”

1 Corinthians 14:8 NLT


What a Citizen of the Kingdom can do

1. Stay in faith by keeping from strife and anger and staying in love

James 4:1, Philippians 1:27; Luke 6:28

2. Pray for the people of Australia

1 Timothy 2:1

3. Dispense light through prayer and obedience to the Lord. 

Matthew 5:14 Ephesians 5:7-11,13-14

4. Pray for those in authority and those who have influence.

Luke 6:28, 1 Timothy 2:2-4

5. Share your faith. Bring people to Jesus. 1 Peter 3:15; Mark 16:15-18

6. Take up your Kingdom assignment in the marketplace. Most Kingdom assignments bring interaction with people in the kingdom of darkness.

Mark 16:15; 1 Pt 2:18-21; Phil 2:14-16

7. Do not misrepresent Jesus in your words or actions. 

Ephesians 4:29; Matthew 5:13; Romans 13:13


Prayer for Israel

Here are some Bible Promises that can help you start praying for Israel.

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