Every Sunday Service at 9.30AM
There's a Rhema Kids Group just for you!
All our Rhema Kids Workers are trained, hold current Blue Cards and are committed to ministering Jesus to your child.
We also welcome children who have aditional needs as we have workers who are skilled in helping these precious children integrate into the group and be able to participate.
BABIES ROOM - For Parents of babies birth to walking and particularly for nursing mums. This room is accessed through the hallway next to theHub.
TODDLERS ROOM - For mobile babies to 2 year olds. Located in the Multi Purpose Room in the Hallway right of the Next Steps Station. Stay with your child as they play and watch the service on the big screen.
In the Rhema Kids Area
Check your child in before they join the action!
Each group has a program that is age adapted and in keeping with Rhema Family Church's DNA & message.
KINDY GROUP - 2 - 4 years
JUNIOR GROUP - Prep to Grade 1
PRIMARY GROUP - Grades 2 - 4
RHEMA KIDS - JUNIOR HIGH (iBelieve course for grades 7 - 8)

Time - 6.30 - 8pm
Every Friday Fortnightly
Kids in Grade 2 - 6 will learn about the Bible in a fun and engaging way, put what they learn into action through games and activities, enjoy prayer time and fellowship with other kids, get creative with crafts and of course, enjoy a delicious supper!

Rhema Kids Picnic
Join us after the Second Service in Barbarella Park each month for a Rhema Kids Family picnic.
Bring your own lunch and chairs.
Information will come to you through Rhema Kids